Climate-Exposing Replica Apparel

Tradera Hid Climate Facts in Replicas of Famous Clothing
Grace Mahas — January 17, 2020Tradera, a Swedish circular marketplace, recently launched the 'Face the Hidden Facts' campaign to highlight the devastating damage done by the fashion industry. The company was able to outsmart Google's algorithm in order to exposed online shoppers to the startling facts about the unsustainable fashion industry.
The facts are hidden in 3D replicas of popular products and include statements such as “the fashion industry is responsible for 8% of the global emissions” and “20% of the world’s water pollution." These replica images were tagged with the same search engine data as the originals to push these faux products to the top of the search result page and be viewed by many. When the link was clicked, the visitor would be taken to Tradera's circular marketplace to a similar -- if not the same -- product available for purchase second-hand.
The Face the Hidden Facts campaign hopes to educate shoppers on the danger of fast fashion while promoting the value of second-hand apparel.