Inhaler-Specific Carbon Guides

MIMS Has Launched a New Carbon Footprint Table for Inhalers

References: gponline & mims

A new table system from MIMS allows medical professionals to compare the carbon footprints of asthma and COPD inhalers. The table is made to assist medical professionals who interact with patients who have asthma and COPD while reducing the environmental impact of inhaler prescriptions. One of the top priorities in the NHS's business model is to attain net zero by 2040 is reducing the usage of pressurized metered-dose inhalers (pMDIs).

The table also provides guidance from Greener Practise on how to switch inhalers safely and successfully as well as how to lessen the carbon footprint of inhaler prescriptions. Available both online and in the upcoming MIMS print issue, the Inhaler Carbon Emissions table is reinventing how consumers with inhalers think about sustainability.