Biodegradable Fashion Mannequins

These Mannequin Models from Bonaveri are Completely Biodegradable
Michael Hemsworth — October 13, 2016Created by Italy-based mannequin manufacturer Bonaveri, these mannequin models are created in collaboration with the British Fashion Council and the British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA). The mannequins are completely biodegradable and were placed on display at the London Fashion Week: Green Carpet Challenge.
The Bonaveri mannequins are created from the B-Plast material, which is comprised of bio-based polymer that's created using about 72% sugarcane and finally finished with B-Paint. B-Paint is created using a series of organic substances that are also renewable including plant-based resins and oils.
Being that fast fashion is often likened to being disposable, the Bonaveri B-Plast mannequin models show how fashion can be made more sustainable. When discarded, the Bonaveri B-Plast mannequins will only create CO2 and water equivalent to that found in decomposing sugarcane.