Cocoa Shell Low-Carbon Fertilizers

This Initiative is Testing the Viability of a New Fertilizer
Michael Hemsworth — September 15, 2023Nestlé UK and Ireland, Cargill and Ccm Technologies have announced a collaboration that will see them testing the viability of a new kind of low-carbon fertilizer made using cocoa shells. The two-year trial will see up to 7,000-tonnes of the fertilizer created and supplied to farmers within the Nestlé UK's wheat supply chain, which equates to roughly 15% of its total fertilizer use related to wheat. The cocoa shells used in the fertilizer are supplied by Cargill, which have been processed and turned into pellets by CCm Technologies.
Regeneration Lead at Nestlé UK and Ireland Matt Ryan spoke on the low-carbon fertilizer initiative saying, "Farmers often find themselves to be among the first groups to be exposed to global issues, and these risks are then borne by the food system we all depend upon. We have to find ways to build more resilience into the system and optimising our use of natural resources is a critical part of this.”