Eco Product Refill Bars

O’beehave Naturals Champions 'Lifetime Containers' Over Disposables
Laura McQuarrie — February 8, 2018O’beehave Naturals in Babylon, New York that brands itself as an "eco depot" where conscious consumers may purchase a variety of hair, body and home products on tap in bulk in "Lifetime Containers."
O’beehave Naturals' Lifetime Containers offer an alternative to disposable plastic bottles, inviting consumers to become part of an environmentally conscious movement by reducing waste and reusing fully functional containers.
The products that are sold through the eco depot are naturally derived and made with simple ingredients like essential oils—without harmful additives like petroleum, parabens and other synthetic add-ins. As well as providing cleaner products that are offered by large-scale beauty brands, O’beehave Naturals approaches packaging in a more sustainable way than most, simply by encouraging the mindful reuse of a container.