Eco-Friendly Refill Stores

Desert Refillery Provides Shoppers with Sustainable Personal Products
Kanesa D — May 29, 2024Desert Refillery, a new retail store based in Phoenix, Arizona, has launched to provide consumers with a new way to live sustainably.
Desert Refillery offers diverse eco-friendly home and beauty products, including laundry detergent, dish soap, hair care items, body wash, and unique items like beeswax wraps. Customers are invited to bring their jars or containers to fill with over 100 products. The process is simple and efficient: the staff will weigh your container before you fill it with the desired amount of product and then weigh it again to ensure you only pay for what you take.
For those who may forget to bring their containers, Desert Refillery provides a selection of free jars that have been donated and professionally cleaned.
Desert Refillery is located at the intersection of Central Avenue and Camelback Road in Phoenix, Arizona.