Haircare-Backed Reforestation Campaigns

Herbal Essences and TerraCycle Take on an Eco Initiative
Francesca Mercurio — August 26, 2021Herbal Essences and TerraCycle have partnered in a new eco initiative.
In April 2021, Herbal Essences pledged to plant one tree for every two bottles of their Renew shampoo and conditioner purchased at Walmart. The goal was to plan roughly 58,000 trees, and thanks to a successful campaign, the company will exceed its goal and plant a total of 61,329 trees. The trees are expected to be planted this fall through The Nature Conservancy's Plant a Billion Trees Program - a global reforestation program.
In addition, the brands have also installed 20 benches made from Herbal Essence's hair care packages in three The Nature Conservancy nature preserves. TerraCycle and Herbal Essences hope these benches will help encourage visitors to embrace and enjoy the outdoors.