Thought-Provoking Ecology Campaigns

Greenpeace's Latest Preservation Initiative is Human-Centered

In Greenpeace's previous ecology campaign, the audience witnessed how irresponsible plastic use effects sea life. For its next group of sustainability-promoting print posters, the organization partners up with Peru-based advertising agency Lion's Heart.

Dubbed 'Pollution Footprint,' this ecology campaign is a little bit more direct. In a trio of designs, the eco-conscious project focuses not only on ocean waste but also on the implications of deforestation and the dangers of smog. To communicate the message of a degrading biosphere, Greenpeace and Lion's Heart use a human fingerprint as a recurring element that binds the disasters together. In a manner that completely poses a question to the human legacy and its impact on the planet, this ecology campaign is bound to start some conversation.

Illustration Credits: Manuel Abad