Cultivated Pork Filets

The MyriaMeat Cultivated Pork Filet is Made with 100% Pig Cells

References: vegconomist & myriameat

The MyriaMeat Cultivated Pork Filet has been announced by the Germany-based biotech brand that's formulated with a high-quality profile that's crafted with 100% pig cells for an authentic taste and texture. The product is achieved using a patented medical technology that's based on pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) as well as parthenogenetic stem cells, which allows for the natural growth of the muscle. This enables the startup to grow pieces of meat or whole cuts, which remains one of the biggest challenges in the industry.

CMO Dr. Timm Eifler commented on the MyriaMeat Cultivated Pork Filet to Cultivated X saying, "Our muscle can contract, this is what makes it so special. We are of the opinion that only pure muscle meat made from iSPC, which has the ability to contract and is free of other additions, is able to reproduce an animal muscle as well as possible. We do no genetic bypassing of natural muscle development (as in immortalization) and we have no genetic modifications.”