Ocean Wave Energy Sources

CorPower Ocean's CorPack Harvests Wave Energy

References: euronews & corpowerocean

The CorPack from CorPower Ocean is an innovative wave energy solution designed to harness the power of ocean waves to generate clean electricity. Each CorPack consists of multiple Wave Energy Converters (WECs) that work together to form a modular and scalable wave energy farm. These WECs are inspired by the pumping principle of the human heart, allowing them to efficiently convert wave motion into electrical energy. The CorPack system includes a mooring system, anchors, an electrical collection system, and remote control and communication capabilities, making it a comprehensive solution for wave energy generation.

CorPack wave clusters are designed to be laid out side-by-side, creating larger wave farms with capacities ranging from 10 to 30 MW. These wave farms can be expanded to hundreds of megawatts or even gigawatt scale by adding more CorPacks. The modular design allows for efficient use of ocean space, with a spatial density of 15 MW/km², which is significantly higher than typical offshore wind farms. Additionally, the CorPack system has a minimal visual impact, as the devices protrude less than 10 meters above sea level, increasing social acceptance from local communities.

Image Credit: CorPower Ocean