Blended Coconut Beverages

Kokomio Uses Coconut Water and Pulp, Plus Husks as a Shipping Material

References: prnewswire & Kokomio

Kokomio creates premium coconut beverages that blend coconut water and pulp, and the brand is working towards going fully zero waste by using 100% of the coconut. The ethical, humane and sustainability sourced coconut beverages make the most of Mexico-grown coconuts to create fun flavors like cold brew coffee, pineapple and cacao. As Alan Cohen, co-founder and CEO of Kokomio, sees it: "consumers in the U.S. are thirsty for a fresh, real coconut beverage, with less natural sugar – made closer to home from Mexico."

The brand's new manufacturing process involves using the husks of the coconut to produce a proprietary, sustainable insulation and it will help to insulate the perishable product during the shipping process.