Car Fuel-Infused Cocktails

Bompas & Parr’s Newest Craft Cocktails Consist of Clean Car Fuel

References: thespiritsbusiness &

Bompas & Parr is known for its groundbreaking food and beverage innovations, and its latest menu of craft cocktails is no exception thanks to its clean car fuel ingredients. While car fuel may seem like an odd drink addition, Bompas & Parr's menu aims to illustrate just how safe clean car fuel is for both the planet and cocktail fans.

The brand's latest stunt is a partnership with electric motor racing series Formula E and consists of four covetable cocktails that are each made using an uunexpected car fuel additive. The cocktail varieties include the 'Formula E Cocktail,' an elixir made with "electrified" Absolut vodka, Triple sec, egg white, lemon juice, and glycerin. Additional drinks include a 'Mumm Champion Cocktail' with Bay Laurel-infused glycerine, and even a Electrified Pickleback blend that is made with electrically charged pickle juice.

As sustainable alternatives to car fuels become more common, the need to prove the benefits of such fuels is a natural next step. In this case, Bompas & Parr and Formula E illustrate the diversity of eco fuels, by going as far as to show that they are even safe for human consumption.