Apple Waste Furniture

Beyond Leather Materials Taps TAKT for a Furniture Line Made of Apple Waste

Beyond Leather Materials has tapped TAKT for a new sustainable furniture line spotlighting the material Leap, a vegan-certified leather alternative. Serving as Leap's debut in the furniture industry, the Cross Chair offers a leather-like aesthetic while significantly lowering CO2 emissions. Derived from locally sourced apple waste, this product repurposes a commonly discarded food item and transforms it into a material suitable for diverse applications, including fashion and automotive.

Upholstered in Leap, the Cross Chair achieves a carbon footprint of just 30.23 kg of CO2, a remarkable improvement over the 64.58 kg footprint of its leather counterpart. This effectively cuts emissions by over 50%. By providing verified CO2 emissions data for each chair, TAKT empowers consumers to make environmentally conscious choices without sacrificing luxury or design integrity.

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Beyond Leather Materials