Custom-Made Waste-Reducing Furniture

Model No. Modernizes Furniture Market Using Sustainability

References: design-milk & model-no

In the age of fast fashion and cyclical consumption, sustainable furniture company Model No. aims to modernize the furniture industry using locally sourced waste materials like agricultural surplus and reclaimed wood. These materials are efficiently utilized in a cutting-edge 3D printing process that produces furniture to order specifications. This process not only allows for customization in an eco-friendly fashion but effectively reduces both shipping time and consumer costs.

Waste materials see new life in Model No's modern and modular furniture designs that maintain an elevated, contemporary look throughout the catalog. Using an innovative tracking system that identifies material composition based on the model number–hence the company's name–Model No. plans to set up an integrated recycling process to offer used products a second chance through 3D printing, closing the sustainability loop.

Image Credit: design milk / Model No.