Sustainable Polypropylene Bottles

Abel & Cole Debuts a Refillable Milk Bottle for UK Customers

Abel & Cole, the online grocery company, has introduced a groundbreaking refillable milk bottle crafted from PP (polypropylene) in what it describes as a "UK-first" for plastic bottle innovation. This sustainable approach marks a significant step towards reducing single-use plastic in the food industry.

The development of this refillable milk bottle was no small feat, as it required three years of effort, involving seven teams of experts and several unsuccessful experiments. To ensure the bottles' hygiene and reusability, Abel & Cole collaborated with MV Technical Solutions to create a specialized washer. This bespoke system includes an eight-stage washing process, rigorously tested with the input of technical experts and the Environmental Health Organisation, guaranteeing the highest quality of cleanliness.

With the testing phase successfully completed, Abel & Cole now offers a bespoke PP bottle, with chemical tests confirming their readiness for refilling and reuse.

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Abel & Cole