Eco-Friendly Parcel Delivery Campaigns

Sendle Released Limited-Edition Climate Awareness Stickers
Grace Mahas — September 16, 2019In the wake of the current climate crisis, an Australian carbon neutral delivery service, Sendle, released climate awareness stickers to encourage the Australia Post to commit to carbon neutrality. The stickers depict various wildlife animals including a fish, kangaroo, koala, and tropical birds wearing gas masks amid images of the animals' deteriorating habitats.
Although the Australia Post has announced intentions of introducing carbon neutral delivery parcels, the launch date is unclear and the call-to-action by Sendle underscores the responsibility Australia Post has to act swiftly and with urgency.
Sendle also announced the company will begin efforts to offset Australia Post's carbon footprint beginning September 20, 2019, and will offset an additional parcel delivery each time a user orders, downloads, or shares the stickers via social media.