Biodegradable Seed-Ingrained Plates

Papelyco by Lifepack Offers Unique Disposable Plates

References: kickstarter &

Papelyco by Lifepack is a new collection of plates that are made from biodegradable materials – namely corn husks and pineapple crowns.

The purpose behind this collection was to create disposable plates that are not only neutral in their environmental impact, but can actually have a positive one. The Papelyco by Lifepack plates can be recycled or thrown out and will biodegrade over time. Their more unique function is that they can be planted and grow various flowers or plants, due to the fact that they are ingrained with seeds. The plates are able to grow new forms of life within just days of being planted.

This eco-friendly product offers a sustainable alternative to the harmful disposable products that most consumers use.