Biodegradable Moisture-Absorbing Bags

The 'Flipme' is a Packaging Solution that Absorbs Moisture

The 'Flipme' is a moisture-absorbing packaging bag designed primarily for shipping clothing and other garments. However, the applications of this packaging bag can go beyond textiles, as the product reduces and absorbs moisture within the bag without requiring a silica gel packet or desiccant bag.

The Flipme was designed by a team working out of South China University of Technology. The team, consisting of eight designers, note that the product was designed to reduce waste, contribute to the circular economy, and combat the idea of the "short-life" or "single-use" packaging solution.

The resulting product absorbs moisture via its hygroscopic surface. This surface begins a white color, and will slowly turn green as it fills up with moisture. Once the package has turned completely green, it will no longer absorb moisture. However, at this point, the product can be composted, meaning it is both functional and environmentally friendly.

Image Credit:

Yifang Deng, Yun He, South China University of Technology