Sustainable DMO-Focused Initiatives

Expedia Group Debuts Two Innovative Programs for DMOs

References: phocuswire & expedia

Expedia Group is launching two innovative programs for destination marketing and management organizations (DMOs). The first program, 'Destination Climate Champions,' is an educational initiative developed in collaboration with Travel Foundation, a respected nonprofit championing sustainable tourism.

The program's primary objective is to equip DMO staff with the knowledge and skills to integrate a climate-conscious approach into their daily operations. Participants will also collaborate to create destination-specific climate action plans, ensuring sustainability remains a top priority in destination marketing and management efforts.

The second program, 'Destination Giveback Initiative,' represents Expedia Group's commitment to supporting local communities and causes in partnership with DMOs. Through this initiative, Expedia Group will make charitable donations to local causes identified jointly with its DMO partners.

The 'Destination Climate Champions' program is currently in its pilot phase, involving 30 destinations across three geographic cohorts spanning Europe, New Zealand, and the Northwest of the United States and Canada.

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