Sustainable Water Equity Funds

Candriam Unveils a New Water Conservation Fund for Businesses

References: funds-europe & candriam

Candriam has recently introduced the Candriam Sustainable Equity Water Fund, designed to invest in companies dedicated to alleviating pressures on water resources. Under EU regulations, this fund is classified as a Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation Article 9 fund.

The Candriam Sustainable Equity Water Fund specifically targets two critical categories of companies: "water solutions enablers" and "water efficiency leaders." The Candriam Sustainable Equity Water Fund's investment strategy is underpinned by a disciplined analytical approach to portfolio construction. This approach incorporates thematic analysis and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) screening to identify companies that align with sustainable water management practices.

One of the fund's unique strengths is its utilization of a bespoke water taxonomy, which integrates data from various sources and leverages artificial intelligence to identify promising investment opportunities.