Wool-Based Package Protectors

Woola Uses Waste Wool as an Alternative to Plastic Bubble Wrap

References: formesdeluxe & woola.io

With a focus on e-commerce and luxury brands, Woola offers a compostable alternative to plastic bubble wrap using waste wool. Beyond offering a protective alternative to plastic, the material is water repellent and resistant to extreme temperatures, as well as available in abundance—according to Woola, 90% of waste wool is burned in Europe, which equates to about 200,000 tons per year. What's more, the luxurious feel of Woola's Bubble Wool encourages customers to return it. While the first generation of Woola combined waste wool with a bio-based binder (PLA,) the company invested in a new production line and now boasts mono-material status.

Alongside Bubble Wool, Woola offers other shipping innovations like Wool Envelopes and Wool Boxes, as well as Bottle Sleeves.