UK-Regulated Coffee Capsules

Tipa and ATI Launch a Coffee Capsules with a Fully Compostable Lids

Tipa has joined forces with technology powerhouse ATI to unveil a pioneering fully compostable coffee capsule lid—a remarkable advancement in sustainable packaging solutions. Tipa's plant-based lids, certified by OK Biobased with the prestigious four-star accreditation, are a testament to their commitment to environmental responsibility.

This patent-protected lidding material is universally compatible with all compostable coffee capsules, including those tailored for the Nespresso system. Boasting a carbon content of at least 80% derived from renewable raw materials, these lids align seamlessly with the UK's Plastics Pact and upcoming EU packaging regulations, reinforcing the shift towards compostable materials in coffee capsules.

“Tipa’s goal is to ensure that every compostable product can be disposed of both at home and in an industrial composter, which is why all our products follow strict compostable certifications,” said Daphna Nissenbaum, Tipa's CEO and co-founder.