Recyclable Reclaimed Plastic Hangers

The '(re)ˣ recycled' Ocean Plastic Hanger is Eco-Focused

Plastic hangers are often associated with being brittle and disposable, so the '(re)ˣ recycled' ocean plastic hanger is positioned as an alternative that will provide a more eco-focused option. The hanger is crafted from 100% recycled plastics and can be recycled after use to make it a far more eco-friendly option compared to conventional offerings. The hanger is also focused on enhanced durability to make it last far longer to combat against disposable alternatives.

The '(re)ˣ recycled' ocean plastic hanger is made with plastics that have been sourced from beach cleanups and recycling procedures in South Africa. Users can take advantage of a design that has a 50% thicker body versus conventional plastic hangers and is paired with reinforced bridges to accommodate any kind of garment.