Smog-Absorbing Tower Grids

Znera Proposes Filtration Buildings to Battle Pollution in New Delhi
Kalin Ned — August 31, 2018A series of filtration buildings are proposed as a means to confront New Delhi's dangerous smog levels. The region has been identified as "the most polluted city in the world" by the World Health Organization with different factors like "industrial waste, diesel vehicles, power plants [...] and crop burning" contributing to the overall poor air quality.
Dubai-based architecture firm Znera is aiming to address this problem through the implementation of a grid of filtration buildings. The concept envisions a network of towers — each 100 meters high, that can absorb smog through filtration pods at the base of the structure. Znera's estimation is that each building will produce roughly 3.2 million cubic meters of clean air per day which will significantly increase the quality of life in New Delhi, India.