CO2-Made Soap Bar Packs

CleanO2's 'Cold night beverage pack' is Handmade and Biodegradable

References: cleano2 & cleano2

Consumers can relax and scrub themselves clean with CleanO2’s ‘Cold night beverage pack.’ The soap packs are inspired by beverages that would be delightful to partake in on a cold wintery night. Each pack comes with four unique handmade CarbinX soaps —  ‘Juicy Rose,’ ‘Wilderness Lager,’ ‘Coffee & Honey,’ and ‘Mulled Merlot.’

According to the website, CarbinX is CleanO2’s carbon capture unit that was created by using “a chemical process to convert CO2 captured from heating system exhaust into a stable carbonate used in soaps and detergents.” This process helps reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions to create a practical item for humans to use.

When consumers buy soap from CleanO2, they receive quality products and get the satisfaction of knowing that they are helping the environment. The Cold night beverage pack is available for purchase on the CleanO2 website.