3D-Printed Air Filters

AddCat Created a 3D Printed Volatile Organic Compound Filtration System
Colin Smith — May 5, 2022'AddCat,' the Dutch-based innovation startup founded in 2019, has announced a 3D-printed catalytic converter that allows for improved air filtration efficiency. According to AddCat, its 3D-printed air filter removes up to 95% of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), while also being far more energy-efficient than its competitors.
AddCat stated that this quality and efficiency comes from the company's control over the entire filtration system. It noted that it "can manufacture much more complex systems that air passes through. As a result, the polluted air takes a much longer path; we force harmful molecules to come into contact with the active catalyst material." This means that VOC filtration could be drastically improved wherever it is required, whether in work sites or medical settings.
The Dutch company outlined its current intentions to commercialize this catalytic converter, as it currently only exists in prototype forms. Should this process be successful, other air filtration companies may look to 3D-printed solutions in the future.