Car-Free Neighborhood Redevelopments

Berlin’s Former Tegel Airport is Being Converted
Kalin Ned — August 11, 2022Since many critiques of metropolitan environments and urban planning zero in on how cities are traditionally built to prioritize the mobility of cars, many activists, designers, architects, and innovators have been emphasizing the virtues of car-free neighborhoods. The movement has reached a feverish pitch in the last couple of years—especially since the concept of a car-free neighborhood entails healthier and sustainable living, as well as the curbing of carbon emissions—and projects such as Berlin TXL – the Urban Tech Republic (Berlin TXL) are actively being picked up and funded by cities.
The Berlin TXL – the Urban Tech Republic (Berlin TXL) redevelopment is set to commence on the grounds of the former Tehel Airport. A five-square-kilometer site will be turned into " a technological research hub, residential district, and nature reserve."