Compostable Complimentary Hotel Toiletries

'The Green Box' Takes an Eco Approach to Toiletries

References: yankodesign

Small toiletries and personal care items are often provided by hotels to support guests but are usually crafted with plastic that will head straight into the garbage after use, so 'The Green Box' has been created as a way to make things a bit greener.

Designed by OnMateria, the items are crafted with bio-plastics that are paired with as little traditional plastic as possible and work by having the guest separate the various components after use. This will send only what can't be composted to the landfill before taking the compostable components and performing a methanization process that will have them transformed into energy.

'The Green Box' takes a simple yet effective approach to a common plastic waste source and could also help to increase the perception of hotels that use them as forward thinking.