Zero Waste Cafes

Blue Bottle Coffee is Testing a "Zero-Single-Use-Cup" Program

There are billions of single-use coffee cups that are thrown out every year and Blue Bottle is taking a stance against single-use plastic waste by testing a new "zero-single-use-cup program" in the San Francisco Bay Area. As Blue Bottle CEO Bryan Meehan puts it, "We are proud to announce an experiment that may not work, that may cost us money, and that may make your life a little more complicated."

As part of this program, Blue Bottle will be inviting people to bring their own cup to fill or use one of the non-disposable ones it provides, which can be returned and cleaned.

By the end of 2020, Blue Bottle is aiming to turn all of its US cafes zero waste—according to the Zero Waste International Alliance, this means at least 90 percent of waste is diverted from the landfill.

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Blue Bottle