Damage-Predicting Sea Level Calculators

The Second Sea Calculator Uses Real-World Data
Kalin Ned — November 21, 2022A rising sea level calculator may be essential for preparing for dealing with the everyday devastating developments resulting from climate change. Such a tool has already been built by a team of researchers who were led by architect Adrian Lahoud. Other collaborators on this project include Sudanese diplomat Lumumba Di-Aping, design studio Accept & Proceed, and developer Made by On.
Second Sea is a sea level calculator that determines "how much coastal cities are owed in climate reparations to make up for the destruction wrought by rising sea levels." The application draws its conclusion by examining real-world data from 136 cities and then predicts what type of sea rise these cities can expect by the end of the century. Presented at the COP27 climate summit, the developers of Second Sea want to chart the "moral, legal, and financial obligations" of wealthy countries.