D2C Eco Detergents

Dropp's Eco-Friendly Detergent is Packaged in a Shipping Box
Laura McQuarrie — July 19, 2019While Dropps is passionate about sharing safe and effective eco-friendly detergent solutions for consumers, its previous stand-up pouch packaging designs have been difficult to recycle. Its new sustainable packaging doubles as a shipping box that's ready to recycle. As such, Dropps favors the use of kraft packing tape with a recycling-friendly adhesive and recyclable labels, all without liners, dividers and excess material.
Like many companies, Dropps is changing the way household products are delivered to conusmers by removing the water from its formula, along with any other unnecessary additives and colorings. As the water needed to clean clothing is provided at the time of use by the washing machine, Dropps offers concentrated pods and even half-dose pods for smaller loads and items that may be best if washed by hand.