Germ-Freezing Waste Bins

Petal Freezes Its Contents to Reduce Household Odors

References: prnewswire & petalclean

Waste bins can quickly start to smell, especially in the heat, but Petal is introducing an innovative zero-odor germ-freezing solution to support in-home waste disposal. From dirty diapers to food waste, there's plenty of waste in the home that needs to be properly disposed of and Petal helps to naturally freeze potentially harmful bacteria and viruses, and stop odors in their tracks.

Petal is powered by patent-pending freezing technology and was developed by rocket scientists, setting itself apart from other waste bins that currently exist on the market.

At a time when people are taking extra precautions during a pandemic, Petal is an appealing solution for safely disposing of everything from discarded masks and gloves to medical waste.

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