Millennial-Targeted Smart Sprinklers

The OtO Sprinkler Makes Garden Care Connected & Sustainable

References: prnewswire & otolawn

The OtO Lawn smart sprinkler is a device that connects a garden hose, so that a weather-intelligent watering schedule can be set up from a mobile device. With the aid of the companion app, the smart sprinkler also gives users the ability to control the water stream and set custom zone shapes for the purposes of avoiding areas like sidewalks and patios.

The smart sprinkler approaches garden care in a way that's connected, sustainable and user-friendly. Targeting Millennials who are moving into homes with yards for the first time, the smart sprinkler simplifies the task of lawn care. The smart device also boasts the ability to apply natural fertilizers and other products, which is also appealing to new homeowners who are looking for a helping hand.