Planet Intelligence Software

Overstory Aims to Help Companies Mitigate Climate Risks with AI
Kalin Ned — September 15, 2020With the impending threat of climate change, planet intelligence has never been more important, and Overstory taps artificial intelligence and satellite data in order to make the world a safer place. The software "extracts insights from a high variety of very high spatial and temporal resolution satellite data sources, including multi- and hyperspectral imagery, SAR and video." This information is then analyzed using artificial intelligence algorithms that are trained in trees and vegetation. Actionable insights are then delivered, "facilitating predictive planning, tracking and verifying trimming cycles by contractors, and timely reports on Vegetation Management KPIs."
Aside from risks, the planet intelligence software also tracks priority, based on the likelihood and potential consequences of each risk area. These include fire risks, storm damage, forest vitality, and more. They are color-coded by importance.
Image Credit: Overstory