Alternative Travel Emission Apps

'Ecotrek' Tracks Travel Emissions to Keep You Motivated
Michael Hemsworth — January 29, 2017'Ecotrek' is a new app that can track travel emissions and let you know just how much carbon emissions you are saving by not taking your car.
'Ecotrek' takes various data points into consideration such as the kind of car you have, how much local gas prices are and the distance you have traveled. From here, 'Ecotrek' will let you know just how much of an environmental impact you have saved as well as how much money you've saved by choosing an alternative travel option.
The 'Ecotrek' travel emissions app aims at helping to make it much clearer to the average driver just how much carbon they are preventing from entering the environment by not driving. This is displayed in a clear and concise way to let you know that the small effort you're making can have a big impact.