Eco-Friendly Kids Multivitamins

This Multivitamin for Kids is Packaged in a Biodegradable Tube
Laura McQuarrie — August 31, 2023The vitamins and supplements market is saturated with many multivitamins for kids and The Complete Multivitamin for Kids by Terraseed boasts not just an exceptional blend of nutrients but also a safe, sustainable packaging. All of the kid-friendly multivitamin ingredients are sourced from plants, such as omegas derived from hemp and Vitamin D from algae. These nourishing vitamins are packaged in a plastic-free, biodegradable tube with a child-proof top.
The Complete Multivitamin for Kids by Terraseed is a finalist in the Best New Supplements category in the 2023 NEXTY Awards. As the brand states, "While kids can obtain all of the nutrients they need from food, studies show that more than half of children in the US don't follow an optimal diet." This multivitamin helps to fill in the gaps in an easy, eco-friendly way.