Biodegradable Baby Wipes

Huggies Pure Biodegradable Wipes are Made with Natural Fibers

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After announcing that it would be pivoting to focus on more sustainable products and eliminate plastics from its range of baby wipes, the Huggies Pure Biodegradable wipes were released by the major diaper brand.

The eco-friendly wipes are made with 100 percent natural fibers, which are broken down in landfills more efficiently—helping to decrease the amount of waste created by disposable products. As the wipes are designed specifically to be placed with household waste, parents and caretakers also don't have to worry about separating them.

A representative for Huggies spoke to the release, stating "Launching our first biodegradable product brings us ever closer to fulfilling the goals made in our ‘Tiniest Footprint’ Mission. We know we still have a long way to go on this ambitious plan but are committed to developing the best possible products that meet our consumers’ ever-changing demands."